Saturday, June 19, 2010

Charlie / 2yr. Portraits

charlie is one of a kind...she has the best smile...and let me tell have to earn a smile from charlie...but it's worth the effort! she has adopted me as her tia...and i just i think she is absolutely adorable...don't you?
well...of course you do...
this face was made for back and white photos...

Ashley: Thank you for letting me photograph charlie...she's a doll...after all...she takes after her mama!

Rylin / Sugar + Spice Session

i & spice sessions...and i rylin...

Jessica / Senior Portraits

oh jessica...she is a photographers dream come true...she has beauty...spunk...and a great sense of fashion...I was over the moon when she showed up to our session with a car full of clothes and kind of girl...she had great ideas and was willing to do anything...even get said clothes dirty to get the shot...and boy did we get the shot...lots of shots...jess you rock...
the reason jessica rocks...
she can do beautiful....
she can do sassy...
she can do sweet...
she can do classy...
she can do fresh...
she makes me want to live on a ranch...
well...visit a ranch...

i hope i get the chance to photograph jessica again!
invitation (front)
invitation (back)

Michele: thank you...thank you...thank you for leting me take you baby's senoir portraits...I had a blast! Jess...ROCK ON!

Blake / Senior Portraits

blake is an all around good kid...i can't tell you how refreshing it is to talk to a teenager...who shows so much respect...yes ma' ma'am...please...thank's great...he's also an extremely handsome young man...i see modeling in his future...just look at these photos...the proof is in the pudding....

Kayla : Thank you for asking me to take blake's senior portraits...You have raised an amazing young man!

Bianca / Senior Portraits

this is bianca...she's a beautiful...shy...adorable girl...when she smiles she looks down...her laugh is very soft...and when you complement her she looks away...when we met to look at her photos...she blushed the whole time...I think she's lovely....

invitation (front)
invitation (back)
Bianca: Thank you for choosing me for your senior photos...You're a great girl...and i wish you the best!